In a time where almost all bowhunting is leaping forward in technology and advancement, have you ever considered taking a step back? So much of the focus in recent years has been on how fast a bow shoots, and how this relates to extending the effective distance we can harvest a trophy buck.
This author has no problem with bowhunters pursuing this side of the sport. Also increased compound let off, and easily cranked crossbows have resulted in more folks joining our ranks and have allowed older hunters the ability to stay effective in our great sport!
But there is also another group of new and old Bowhunters taking a different path. The world of Traditional Bowhunting has taken off in the past several years and offers an excitement level equal to what we all felt harvesting our first big game animal. It is hard to surpass the excitement and sense of accomplishment in harvesting a wary deer at ground level with a simple recurve or longbow.
While these bows might only be launching a heavy arrow at 170 FPS, in the hands of a practiced archer, they are very effective in harvesting the largest of game. Getting stickbow close to our quarry also challenges us to become better woodsmen, and overall hunters. It forces us to become more aware of our environment, and how to use that knowledge to successfully put an arrow through an alert wild game animal at close range.
I have bowhunted with Traditional equipment for more than 55 years and have never felt ill equipped in any hunting situation. What has been important to my success is the ability to get closer to my chosen animals and place a sharp broadhead into the kill zone.
Stickbows and instinctive shooting does take more practice time and constant reinforcement of that practice, but the rewards are filled with excitement and a mystique of doing it the old way and maybe becoming one with nature.
It is so liberating to grab a super light longbow or recurve, and tab or glove and head to the woods. You don’t have to worry about forgetting your release, or adjusting sights, and never have to worry about not seeing through a peep site. Stick and string, and a few arrows are all you need.
In coming articles on this site, I will be sharing over 5 decades of knowledge and experiences relating to traditional bowhunting. We will be covering the different types of traditional bows, arrows, broadheads and accessory items needed to take up or continue the challenge of Stickbow hunting. I will share my passion for Traditional Archery and Bowhunting and encourage readers to give a Stickbow a try.
Bruce Ryan
Ryan Outdoors
677 S. Skyview Drive
Elkins, WV 26241
cell 304-642-4550