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For serious outdoor gear, Backcountry has got to be the go-to online retailer. Don’t get us wrong, they don’t carry the hunting and spin fishing gear we love like Cabela’s and Bass Pro Shops do, but if you’re hiking, fly fishing, or just want the best camp gear out there, there’s no better place to shop. The pre-Black Friday deals make stocking up on gear even sweeter.
At the moment, there’s already thousands of products on sale from the site’s top brands. It’s all good gear—except, maybe, for this strange-looking Bivvy Suit—so take the time to look through the entire Backcountry Black Friday sale.
To get you started, we combed through the thousands of listings (you’re welcome), and pulled some of our favorite deals.
Men’s Apparel
Smartwool Merino Sport 150 Long-Sleeve 1/4-Zip Top for $66.50 (Save $29)Patagonia Shearling Button Pullover Fleece for $96.85 (Save $53)Patagonia Torrentshell 3L Jacket for $103.99 (Save $46)Patagonia Nano Puff Vest for $119 (Save $30)Barbour Hereford Wax Jacket for $228 (Save $152)
Women’s Apparel
Under Armour Meridian Ankle Leggings for $32.50 (Save $32.50)Patagonia Torrentshell 3L Jacket for $103.99 (Save $46)Patagonia Nano-Air Hooded Jacket for $208.99 (Save $91)
Hiking Gear
CamelBak Hot Cap Water Bottle for $12.96 (Save $10)Ultimate Direction FK Carbon Trekking Poles for $37.49 (Save $112.46)MSR MiniWorks Ex Water Filter for $82.39 (Save $27.56)Pocketrocket 2 Mini Stove Kit for 67.39 (Save $22.56)
Fishing Gear
Simms Sunrise Women’s Tunic Shirt for $29.98 (Save $69.97)Grundéns Solstrale Pro Hoodie for $37.04 (Save $52.91)Simms Prodry Bib for $449.96 (Save $149.99)Simms Flyweight Stockingfoot Waders for $449.96 (Save $150)
Timberland Lincoln Peak Waterproof Mid Hiker Boot for $77.97 (Save $42)Salomon Quest Element GTX Hiking Boot for $134.96 (Save $44.99)Salomon Cross Hike Mid GTX Boot – Women’s for $109.97 (Save $67.98)
Patagonia Arbor 28L Lid Pack for $54.45 (Save $45)Mountainsmith Lookout 40L Pack for $107.97 (Save $71.98)Mountainsmith Lookout 60L Pack for $119.97 (Save $79.98)Thule Guidepost 65L Pack for $181.47 (Save $148.48)The North Face Griffin 65L Pack for $179.97 (Save $119.98)
MSR Habitude 6-Person, 3-Season Tent for $494.89 (Save $165.06)MSR Elixir 2-Person, 3-Season Backpack Tent for $217.39 (Save $72.59)MSR Remote 3-Person, 4-Season Tent for $637.39 (Save $212.56)
Sleeping Bags
Stoic Groundwork 0F Synthetic Fill for $59.60 (Save $89.40)Mountainsmith Crestone 0F Synthetic Fill for $79.98 (Save $79.97)ALPS Mountaineering Blue Springs 35F Synthetic Fill for $36.36 (Save $43.63)
The post Save Up to 40% On Outdoor Gear at Backcountry’s Early Black Friday Sale appeared first on Field & Stream.