Turkey Bowhunting This Weekend

Friday afternoon I picked up my buddy Champ after his school let out. We went to my house and pulled together the blinds, chairs and other stuff we were going to need. We were wild turkey hunting this weekend.

Unfortunately, both of us slept completely through our iPhone’s alarms and we totally missed the gobbling and yelping happenings after daybreak.

My hunting buddy and grandson Champ and I maintain our vigil Saturday afternoon as Gobblers sound off from the west and south along the river where I live.

But we still had turkey hunting work to do on two stand sites and got right on that. Afterward, we went to a place where I park to hunt a curve in the river where I’ve hunted successfully in years past. Champ set out  two decoys, an erect hen and my Dave Constantine Jake.

I like to hunt this area late season because the hens have been sitting on their eggs and some of the eggs are hatching. That causes the gobblers to split away from other gobblers and they wander a fair sized area and gobble fairly regularly in hope of locating the last minute responsive hens.

Ofer the years I’ve had very good result at calling in these solo gobblers and put my turkey tags on several longbeards in the general area of where Champ and I are hunting. We heard several gobbles further out along the nearby river. All of them were quite a distance from us and my calling got some response gobbles but didn’t bring them into our immediate area.

We walked back to my pickup at dusk. Truthfully, the afternoon was promising. 

On the way to the house I wondered if the Red Baron frozen pizza I bought at Dollar General would be any good. I nuked it on Broil and it actually was good, much better than expected. Champ and I ate pizza and watched a couple of  turkey hunts on Youtube TV and afterward I set my iPhone alarm and hit the hay.

When the alarm went off the next morning we got ready and drove to the area I call the “Alley.” When we got there we had already heard a few gobbles.