Enter The Buck Big-8

The buck that suddenly showed up in my early November Game-Camera pictures was a Dandy, even though he was too far away for the picture to have much detail. But I definitely could see that he was wide and had 4 nice points on the side I could see best.

The next day I was sitting in the ground blind that overlooked the area where the buck had come through — but I had the addition of my Minolta camera that had a strong zoom. I was prepared to wait several days in hopes of photographing that buck.

A good hour before dusk would herald the daylight away when I saw him, once again too far away for a detailed game-camera picture, BUT not too far for my Minolta high powered zoom!

When I zoomed in on the buck I saw that, indeed, he was an 8-point, as you can tell by the picture above. He was walking along and I took a handful of pictures — the best of which are these two pics.

Deer Picture By Robert Hoague

He never came any closer and soon faded away into the trees to the east. That night when my bowhunting buddy Robbie Cramer and I were eating mexican food in the nearby town he checked his mobile game camera photos and showed me a picture he received of a big 8 point.

One look and I was certain it was him, The Big 8.






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